Nida Plateau – Rouvas Forest – Zaros
Sunday, April 19, 2015
We start our hike along E4 European trail from Nida Plateau, at 1400m a.s.l. After crossing some smaller plateaus and traversing some slopes we enter the unique Rouvas Forest. We have a stop at the area of Dyo Prini, at 1150m, with the small church and the panoramic view. Then we go down into Rouvas gorge, past the Monasterry of Agios Nikolaos and we end at Zaros Lake, at 420m.
Tack length: 16km
Leader: Nikos Romboyannakis • Hiking hours: 7 • Difficulty Rate: 2
Departure: 7.00 a.m. from the Archaeological Museum.
Information: Monday to Friday, 20.30 – 22.30, at the Mountaineering Club office, 53 Dikeosynis st, telephone number: 2810-227609.